49 High Street, Colchester, Essex, CO7 0AQ, Eastern
We know that when it comes to shops or retail, you have a lot of choices. Cornflower Wholefoods expertise in this area is unmatched in the Colchester area. With the over 30 years of retailing in the natural food and supplements industry, Cornflower offers thousands of products to their customers. Supplying natural and organic foods, nutritional supplements, vitamins and minerals,herbal remedies, aromatherapy products, sports nutrition and supplements and an ever increasing body care selection. They are especially experienced with catering for specialist diets such as coeliacs, wheat and gluten free, dairy free, vegetarians and vegans.
With the introduction of an online shop www.healthy1.co.uk they are able to service customers from all over the UK. If you are in the area please feel free to drop in to the shop, if not browse the online shop or give them a call to speak to them direct.
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