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'Therapy changed my life & I am passionate about sharing this experience, ensuring a safe, smooth, & informed journey for all. This is the driving inspiration behind UK Therapy Guide'

Floss Knight, CO-Founder

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UK Therapy Guide conducts a robust 5-stage approval process. Including verification of relevant professional body membership (NCS, UKCP, BACP, BABCP, etc.), in addition to qualifications, insurance, ID checks & interview.

British psychoanalytic council

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In the rare event that your first session doesn’t meet your expectations, we offer you the opportunity to explore working with an alternative therapist. 

Simply reach out to us at introductions@uktherapyguide.com

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Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we are here to support & guide you every step of the way.cw

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Our Unique ‘Let Us Find You a Therapist’ Service

A lot of people assume that finding a therapist is a time-consuming, complex and overwhelming task, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. At UK Therapy Guide, we can guide you through the entire process, pairing you with a professional in a matter of minutes.   Top Tips for Finding Your Perfect Therapist Identify […]

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Health Anxiety
Health Anxiety
Health Anxiety
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What is anxiety?
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